I cant help but think the cowboy defiance is a little forced- but here are Libby and me at the Bar last night to celebrate her 71’st, Parkinson’s, broken teeth, and all.
Looking good. Wish I had been there to help you celebrate.
Thanks for the compliments. Libby just looks eccentric but I csn resemble a walking corpse. All right, we do have good hair and are vain about it–I'll never put a hat on a wet head (;-S)
Looking good. Wish I had been there to help you celebrate.
And a happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Libby! – We now share the same age, but you look much better !
Love to you both
Thanks for the compliments. Libby just looks eccentric but I csn resemble a walking corpse. All right, we do have good hair and are vain about it–I'll never put a hat on a wet head (;-S)
Keep on keepin on!