I’m not proud. I’ve spent my whole life as a writer and now, at 71 with Parkinson’s it is tougher to get the words on paper.
I’ve added the donate button and have linked (well, Tess* is linking) my books, and books I’ve reviewed to Amazon, where I will be getting a small amount for each purchase you make. (Tess calls this having multiple income streams.) Apparently I have to let you know the following…
“As an Amazon Associate I earn money from qualifying purchases.”
If you love my writing, help me make more of it!
– Steve
*Tess is the fingers I was able to hire with your donations, thank you.
Hwllo, Magdalena
I was worried not to hear back from y’all about our annual Iiodine drop. But I’m glad you’re still working, hard as that may be.
Regards, Grayal
You are one of our most wonderful writers in the US today. It’s sad you haven’t gotten more recognition or at least I don’t think you have . You have among the people that count !
Danny of ABQ