Help keep me alive and working! My only income comes from my writing and having adventures; so help keep me going even at 74 and with Parkinson’s.
“Stuff is eaten by dogs, broken by family and friends, sanded down by the wind, frozen by the mountains, lost by the prairie, burnt off by the sun, washed away by the rain. So you are left with dogs, family, friends, sun, rain, wind, prairie and mountains. What more do you want?”
–Federico Calboli
I’m so envious! Even more so since I learned my 14 year old son will be attending high adventure camp at the Double H Ranch with the scouts this summer. When I mentioned to my wife he would pass through Magdalena on his way he replied, “Magdalena, that’s where Steve Bodio lives!” He has read all three of Steve’s books that I own and he wants me to get the rest. Makes me feel like I have done something right.
Wow — what a terrific panorama shot. It looks like something out of a movie background — one you were pretty sure was painted. A terrific picture
Amazing, atmospheric photograph. It is worthy of submisson for a Fine Art Poster Reproducton – I would certainly buy one.
It has the same impact as the backshots on the Brokeback Mountain Movie.
Wonderful shot! The road in to town runs along that incredible slope. The scale of the thing is hard to imagine at the distance of the photo, but driving in feels like skirting the edge of a mountain fortress, a’la Lord of The Rings. As Patrick notes, cinematic!
Thanks guys! Amazing what you can do with a point-and-shoot these days. Of course light and weather deserve the real credit!
Matthew– drop me an email or put your email in here and I’ll drop you a note. I can also send pics of Double H– Lib used to cook there for hunters.
Maybe more pics soon though I can’t beat Peculiar’s.