American on Horseback

If you hear of this fellow riding into your town, I hope you’ll tip your hat and feed his horse.

From the story by AP’s Carl Manning:

“When rancher Bill Inman decided to show there’s more to America than the gloom-and-doom on the nightly news, he hopped on his horse and started riding.

“And riding, and riding.

“Some 1,700 miles later, he’s burning through his family’s life savings as he collects stories of hardworking, honest everyday people in rural America.

“The scenery in America is changing and I’m really proud we’re taking a snapshot at slow motion of this time period, because 20 years from now it will be different,” he said. Inman soaks it all in atop Blackie, a 16-year-old thoroughbred-quarter horse mix who’s averaging 20-25 miles a day along backroads from Oregon to North Carolina…”

And later,

“Raised on a Texas ranch, Inman worked cattle, herded wild horses and managed a ranch on an Indian reservation in Nevada before he moved to Oregon last year and began selling horses there. He’s also an auctioneer and has done horse shoeing for nearly 30 years.

“Among those meeting Inman on the outskirts of town was Kurly Hebb, former rodeo cowboy and Kansas Cowboy Hall of Fame member.

“‘He’s got my respect. I can tell from talking to him he’s going to make it. Just be a cowboy, that’s all you got to do,’ said Hebb, now a rancher.”

Know what? Maybe we’re not finished yet!


  1. “Cowboy?” asked the distracted geek child.

    “Is that a boy cow?”

    Good for Bill Inman.

    Hey, if you’re in a mood for cowboy reading, get a holt of Andy Adams, “The log of a cowboy” (Univ of Nebraska Press, 1964). It tells it like it was.

  2. I would love to read Inman’s book and see the documentary!

    I really do believe that everybody’s got a story, and you just have to wait long enough to hear it. Sounds like he’s getting those stories.

    I’d feed his horse. I might even ride beside him for a few miles.

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