Bear with me..

Two weeks of agent & publisher hell, slowly receding. Blogging may be light for a bit yet but here are some links, and there will be photoblogging of various creatures later. Nature and science. Carel blogs on an extremely odd, newly discovered snake that apparently has evolved a “lure” on the end of its tail. …

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Dog Blog Comment (Spay/Neuter)

My friend Eric forwarded an interesting post by a Canadian dog trainer (not Gregg) who looks to the falconry permitting scheme as a possible answer for the mandatory spay/neuter situation in the dog breeding world. It reads in part: “How come the falconers have learned to control the breeding of falcons without spaying and neutering …

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Mardi Gras Gumbo

When you were born elsewhere, raised elsewhere, trained as a world child and a globe trotter, how do you become a native of any one place? How do you finally find a home? In Louisiana, “first you make a roux.” Our local celebrity chef, John Folse, writes about the roux in his new game cookbook, …

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