Still busy with work & scholarship and fun, not that these are necessarily incompatible or exclusive. A few hints– click to embiggen as always (the details are illuminating).
I went into my library to find an accidental still life of several emerging subjects:
And here are some artifacts pointing to the fascinating intersection of Fabre, entomology, traditional Provencal culture and po- mo Japanese popular art…
I always confuse him with Faivre..
Schizoid, I know.
Small bore sidelock w/ coin finish receiver?
Yup. AyA No 2 Round Action 20 bore, 30" stock and 15 " barrels, 6.4 lbs…
That BAT would be in grave danger were I around–it looks like a chocolate bat! Don't laugh; I've seen a frikkin' chocolate BILBY, believe it or not! A friend(?) once gave me a chocolate triceratops, and then laughed maniacally while I spit the piece I bit off all over the room–it WAS NOT actually chocolate! But a bar of brown SOAP carved and shaped like a triceratops!….L.B.
You would hurt your teeth! It is a Chinese stone paperweight….
Hey, that triceratops bar of soap didn't do my teeth any good either, nor did it taste very good! But it also did not survive the incident, as I bit it's head off, which is normal operating procedure for me with chocolate bunnies, as well…..L.B.
I've wondered what happened to Mackintosh's #2 – I'm sure it found a good home.
I just came across this story – you may know the folks.
His no 2 was the final justification for mine– in part it was the only Holland patent gun I could afford that someone I knew put 80,000 shells through without a blip…
Cowans are in my bigger circle– good friends of Sy Montgomery. That dear vegetarian friend killed a quail with a hawk under Nancy's tutelage, and wrote about it un- squeamishly in Birdology…