Friend’s Adventures, Urban and Rural

Patrick Porter’s survival kit for Sandy, in Natick, MA:

Cole Brooks, Malcolm’s* son, takes his first elk in Montana:

“… kid drew a lottery cow elk tag for this week. Second day out at 3 in the afternoon we hiked up the side of a ridge where we’d spotted cows the evening before. I walked around a stand of trees and right into several dozen animals–maybe 50 total?–squinting into the sun behind my back. I hustled Cole into position, and with a downed tree as a rest he knocked this one down with my BRNO 7×57. 215 yards, and thank God for all that shooting practice the last six years. We spent all yesterday quartering and packing her out (including head and hide), about a mile to the truck, in wet, muddy, miserable weather…but we’ve got meat! Like I said to Cole at the end of it, we earned these ingredients…”

Strange to think I have lived in both environments…

* Malcolm has a book coming soon– watch for it in this space and others…

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