Arthur photos Magdalena

There will be more I hope, soon. Arthur & Pueblo Ruins Miss BoBo UPDATE;just in: Oliver and BoBo Taik John’s Ches pup Andy As usual, the captions are utterly out of place– they havent worked since Blogger became all HTML rather than showing photos. Anyone up to help?

Old Timer’s

Nothing amiss- the camera ran out of juice just as Libby was beginning to take photos, and we are awaiting others’ pics.  Here are a few, some “stolen” from Linda Smiley’s newsletter. Cousin Nina McCabe and Holly Hagy, Ghost riders Me & Bodie in Shelby Mustang. John L Moore says ” Still a rascal after …

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Real time

Andre Baca took this phone shot of his uncle, my old friend Lawrence Aragon, and I at the Spur tonight, an hour ago.


Courtesy of Reid,we learn that UC Boulder has banned costumes based on Indians, cowboys, “Mexicans” and– costumes?!– white trash. Having spent time at the bar today after the week’s second funeral, I can only conclude that any image of me or my neighbors is now verboten. (Images NOT from today– we don’t take pics at …

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Wilson Photos

Relative newcomers John and Carolyn Wilson are becoming serious documenters of the phenology of local wildlife and photographers of same (with real lenses). They supply constant water on their forest- edge holding 12 miles from town, which has already paid off in photos of bandtail pigeon and goshawk. Now John has gotten a good portrait …

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Front Page

The local (not bad) paper. It is probably A Good Thing that the biggest above- the- fold news is that a dog killed another. But that damn COLON…. I am getting old…

A Few George Photos

Joel’s (where he stayed), our ruin, the range, the bar, the library– as James McMurtry sings “what else do you need?” The library shot, also by George, is of me with another old friend on his first visit; Montana fine gunmaker and writer Steve (Steven Dodd) Hughes. Much good book and gun talk ensued, about …

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St Patrick’s at the Spur

Cowboy-Spanish St Paddy’s at the bar, with Montana’s excellent band “86’d Again”(thank God Linda at least did not have a green beard.) From top: Montana Pettis and Luke Martin (hat); Mary Jean Zamora Rains and Catherine Aragon tend bar; Chelsea Armstrong takes video as Bobby (Bad Dog) Contreras, owner Darryl Pettis (Montana’s father) and ranch …

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