I want a Cooper’s hawk but this one is a breeding adult, too old and too valuable to the population to keep, not to mention illegal. She trapped into my flight loft today and I will release her to make more tomorrow. She weighs nearly a pound, huge for a western Coop, and is a …
Month: December 2012
Eagle & Child
My reaction in email was: Consensus is that it is fake– have been dealing with tons of mail on it. I heard of one eagle in Mongolia 20 years ago that attacked a kid but it is rare if it happens. Africa’s Crowned eagle is another story. A primate and antelope predator of the forest, …
Eagle Snatches Child in the Park: Thoughts?
UPDATE: Huffington post reveals evidence of faked footage. For those keeping score at home, I’m now two for two at perpetuating bogus memes on this blog. My next post, should there be one, will contain only factual content (Boring, yes, but safer.) –Matt Mullenix A Facebook friend forwarded the above video footage. Perhaps you’ve see it, …
“Thus my advice to the aspiring fiction writer: don’t be tempted by that graveyard of literary talent, creative writing courses. Take a sharp turn and study history instead.” – Caleb Carr, WSJ Weekend
One more on Plum
… To thank everyone; I will not belabor the point or fill the blog. Jameson Parker sent Robinson Jeffers’ wonderful tribute to his bulldog Grip. In part: I hope than when you are lying Under the ground like me your lives will appear As good and joyful as mine. No, dear, that’s too much hope: …
A Dog Eulogy
The best, amazingly, (other than Rudyard Kipling’s maybe, and Kipling is a minor god) is Ogden Nash: My little pup ten years ago was arrogant and spry Her backbone was a bended bow for arrows in her eye Her step was proud, her bark was loud, her nose was in the sky, But she was …
Plummer lurcher: March 1 1999- Dec 13 2012
My old dog Plummer is gone. He was born (bred for us, a Hancock designer NM blend of greyhound and bearded and border collie) in David Hancock’s kennel in an England that still allowed hunting with dogs, and died in his bed in his home in New Mexico. Once the greatest single- hand hare dog …
Saturday Signing
Understandable Error, Matt!
I don’t know about a banana (see Matt’s comments below) but most Americans would see a double rifle from England, with its barrels arranged side by side, as a shotgun. We have not quite NEVER built a double rifle here but I would be surprised if we had built over 100 in the last century. …
Wrong, Dead Wrong
Steve and Friends, SECOND UPDATE: Alternative gripes substituted UPDATE: MATT ERRS IN FIREARM ID. Lawd. How funny is that title now? The following gripe is totally without basis (see gun link). But I leave it intact, like a coyote pelt on a fence, as a warning to others who dare to tread where they have …