I still plan to get a Gos, first anyway, but Anne Price makes a case. She says: “… you need a gyr/saker complex critter, a gyrbrid, as you say: 1.) An imprint tiercel will be nearly impossible to lose. Feed it on the car, the ATV, and it will just learn to come back there …
Month: January 2014
Great shot!
Action! Duck hawking with Peregrine, shot by Dan Gauss: And a calm return:
Gos Grips
It may be relevant to my quandary below that the bird I put on my stationery (must scan– it is not a jpeg), western belt buckle, and autopistols has always been a Goshawk, designed from from Japanese art. I have had this: And, on a Commander frame, this: The artist who did the scrimshaw above …
Magdalena’s Poet
Bruce Holsapple wasn’t born here any more than I was (“I’m not from here/ I just live here”– James McMurtry); but sooner or later you make your stand. Would you not credit Gary Snyder and his adopted watershed in the dry Sierra, or me in my Querencia? Bruce has been here long enough to put …
Happy Birthday 2
… to Dr John Burchard, scientist, man of letters, scholar, adventurer in far places, and one of the best tellers of tales I know. As the old saying has it, he has forgotten more about “salukiformes” and falconry than almost anyone else in our time has ever learned. Like me, he was a Massachusetts boy …
Happy Birthday!
“…driving back, the sun descends Throwing a gold sheen above the dark mountains Turn in to get mail– Libby at the wood desk, she’ll have the flag lowered next close the lobby at 5:00 she’s free if she has the energy…” From Bruce Holsapple’s good new book of poems, Wayward Shadow. I’ll have more to …
Book Review
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway His best. Time may show it to be the best single piece of any of us, I mean his and my contemporaries. This time, he discovered God, a Creator. Until now, his men and women had made themselves, shaped themselves out of their own clay; their …
A Family Story
Back in the fall I posted about my great-great grandfather William T. Nash and his success with the founding and operation of the Nash Drug Company. While visiting back in Arkansas earlier in the year, I was reminded of another family story that involves his father, Augustus S. Nash (1828-1920) pictured above. To frame the …
Barr Lake
Connie and I ran up to Barr Lake State Park in Adams County a week ago Friday, back when it was sunny and 60 degrees. One of the nice things about Barr Lake are the great views of the Front Range when you look west across the lake. I framed a Fourteener, Long’s Peak, in …
Conundrum: In which I ask my readers a question…
At almost 64, in difficult health, one takes decisions about acquiring animals ever more seriously (obviously I hope, I mean animals you work and play with– hounds, horses, hawks)… We are going through much soul- searching over our “last” dog; not morbidly; actually one reason we must choose carefully is that we want an Ataika …