
Lane Batot and Jim Cornelius seem to think my present blog photo resembles a portrait of Daniel Boone by Audubon. I am complimented, I think…

UPDATE: Lane says it is this one by Chester Harding. While it is more complimentary, I think the first resembles me more!


  1. Nooooooooooo! NOT a copy by Odd-oh-bon-bon, but the ORIGINAL FROM LIFE by Chester Harding! Although somewhat similar, this is NOT as complimentary(which it WAS meant to be!)–this Audobon-version looks rather like the Chester Harding version just out of bed and somewhat hung-over!….L.B.

  2. Yeah, THAT'S the one! I mean, just scroll down on the blog a bit with this painting and the photo of Mister Bodio to compare–this COULD be a portrait of Bodio for sure! And while we're on the subject of Dan'l Boone, I'll use this opportunity to repeat one of my favorite quotes from Dan'l himself(I've quoted this repeatedly on this blog, so you regulars, bear with me….)–When interviewed in his old age, he was asked if, in all the years of wandering the wilderness, he had been lost. He replied, "LOST?! I've cain't say as ever I was lost! I WAS bewildered once for three days, but I've never been lost!"…..L.B.

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