Complicated Good News

The terrible thing about Parkinson’s is that it is a one-way ratchet. From the moment the first symptoms start, its advance is slow and relentless, from when you just have a little tremor or lurch and are just about normal. “Progress” has begun. When the slide starts the slope more steeply, you can no longer …

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Good news coming!

Despite continuing difficulties with my health, a visit to Santa Fe and a small bequest turned a lot of things around. I may soon have working dictation software (if such a thing is possible!} and a working laptop. I have sold several articles. There is even a glimmer of hope on health, as I strive …

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“Great Unknown”?

John Muller’s fine piece on me in  NM magazine is out, graced by the photos of Hans Wachs, and soon to be online.  It is called “The Great Unknown”–  meaning me!– and uses this photo as a lead, which will have to do until I have a link. UPDATE: Here is the link, thanks to …

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I can only say things are GOOD- not “perfect”, whatever that means. In the morning I often feel “normal”, i.e., how I feel I remember from 6 – plus years ago; I often hit a wall by 5 PM. It is not bad, and getting better as we learn how to adjust my machine… I …

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Home at last…

I am home, the op was a success, and I am fine. Many thanks for every good thought and prayer. The battery goes in a week from tomorrow, and the programming a week after that. Only physical effect was a lingering headache where AIR got into my brain… really. The grinding when they drilled into …

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Still Staggering…

A  reader below, in comments, worries about my current photo. It is a crop from this one of me with Shiri and hounds: I replied: “It is part of a cheerful photo of me with a dog– may publish. Health? I am 65 with Parkinson’s and rheumatoid srthritis, as healthy with those as I can …

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My home town

… for once, not my long- chosen Querencia of Magdalena, nor a vague gesture to “Boston”, but Easton, the southern Massachusetts town my parents moved us to from a three- decker tenement in  Boston’s blue- collar Dorchester when I was four, and where I lived until I left town at seventeen, After that I returned …

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Reader  Matthew remarks in comments below on my being such a “preppie” in my youth. Well, yeah, but life goes on and reality intrudes. Children become unexpected adults.  And no matter how you strive, “Golden lads and girls all must/ As chimney- sweepers, come to dust…”

New Project

I am about to start guest blogging on Parkinson’s, I hope more amusingly than not, at the UNM Health Science Center’s new blog .  (My neurologist, who appears above, works there and has encouraged me to write for them). The link goes to Lauren Lewis’s excellent intro; the film above is not a bad intro …

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Short hiatus

Off to Kansas City on the train tomorrow to get blood drawn and God knows what else in a Parkinson’s study. Soon I hope to have a tablet or laptop, which may (or not) encourage more impulsive posting; but not yet, so blogging is hereby suspended for a couple of days. I will report anything …

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