My home town

… for once, not my long- chosen Querencia of Magdalena, nor a vague gesture to “Boston”, but Easton, the southern Massachusetts town my parents moved us to from a three- decker tenement in  Boston’s blue- collar Dorchester when I was four, and where I lived until I left town at seventeen, After that I returned …

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New Toy

Supposedly Archaeopteryx— but except for the lack of the inner “killer claw” more of a typical feathered Theropod like Deinonychus. Also see A Field Guide to Mesozoic Birds.

Flying Puppies?

After seeing the photo below titled “What is this man doing?” Jess suggested “You have acquired a flying puppy and are playing lure toy with it.” Well, the Gyr Saker coming in soon is called “Itilga” in Turkic: “Dog Hawk” . And I was testing my old pole lure made by the late Frank Beebe, …

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“If the people who own pets do not come to understand the natural world and the true lives of animals, there will be no animals but pets. I share this so that others might learn from it and benefit from our experiences, not to be lectured by people without boundaries. All animals are not pets, …

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Black and White

Lauren, in Scotland working on her book (no pressure there!) seemed to be in a black and white mood last week, appropriate to her weather if not ours (hot, we hope gathering moisture for a desperately-  needed monsoon). First one of her “on the hill.”   Second, an unusual photo she found of the late …

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Random Doggage

The Ataika- Kyran litter were 8 last week– hard to believe. Here is Paul’s Zoltar and one of his other boys, Kurdish- Iranian and leggy. I am trying to arrange or breed one more litter, but everything seems slower as we float down the stream, especially when we turn back against the flow…