… for once, not my long- chosen Querencia of Magdalena, nor a vague gesture to “Boston”, but Easton, the southern Massachusetts town my parents moved us to from a three- decker tenement in Boston’s blue- collar Dorchester when I was four, and where I lived until I left town at seventeen, After that I returned …
Month: June 2014
More Doggage
Jay just sent pix of this irresistible Italian Greyhound, Hatty. They are rare perfect miniature sighthounds…
New Toy
Supposedly Archaeopteryx— but except for the lack of the inner “killer claw” more of a typical feathered Theropod like Deinonychus. Also see A Field Guide to Mesozoic Birds.
Flying Puppies?
After seeing the photo below titled “What is this man doing?” Jess suggested “You have acquired a flying puppy and are playing lure toy with it.” Well, the Gyr Saker coming in soon is called “Itilga” in Turkic: “Dog Hawk” . And I was testing my old pole lure made by the late Frank Beebe, …
“If the people who own pets do not come to understand the natural world and the true lives of animals, there will be no animals but pets. I share this so that others might learn from it and benefit from our experiences, not to be lectured by people without boundaries. All animals are not pets, …
What is this man doing?
Suggested by Kirk. What am I doing?
What I Am Working On
Or at least banging my head against… OLD ways…
Black and White
Lauren, in Scotland working on her book (no pressure there!) seemed to be in a black and white mood last week, appropriate to her weather if not ours (hot, we hope gathering moisture for a desperately- needed monsoon). First one of her “on the hill.” Second, an unusual photo she found of the late …
Random Doggage
The Ataika- Kyran litter were 8 last week– hard to believe. Here is Paul’s Zoltar and one of his other boys, Kurdish- Iranian and leggy. I am trying to arrange or breed one more litter, but everything seems slower as we float down the stream, especially when we turn back against the flow…
Guy in Scotland…
Our Gyr man from Fort Collins is in some library in Scotland, and says he is “channeling Bodio”. I think I am complimented…